His Eminence’s Biography
Ngawang Khyenrab Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche
Family & origins —born in 1971
The H.E. Ngawang Khyenrab Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche of Jamchen Lhakhang monastery is one of the holders of the throne of the great Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, founder of the Tsarpa lineage of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in 1971 in Lo-Tsarang, Mustang, west of Nepal, into its royal family. Rinpoche’s mother is the youngest daughter of the late 24th King Jampal Tenzing Dandul and late queen Kelsang Choeden, who was the elder sister of H.E. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.
During a visit by the Late Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to Mustang, the middle son of Rinpoche’s family was offered to take his monkhood following the Tibetan tradition. However, His Eminence said the youngest son, would be a great monk and should be ordained instead. At the age of six, Rinpoche was blessed by the hair-cutting ceremony and was given the name Rinchen Paljor.
Monastic ordination —1979
At the age of eight, Rinpoche received his novice vows from H.E. the Late Chogye Trichen at Lumbini Monastery and was given the name Ngawang Rinchen Paljor. Ngawang is the first name of His Eminence. From then, Rinpoche mastered the training on monastic rituals and musical accompaniment.
Shabdrung enthronement —1992
& gelong vows —1996
In 1992 Kyabje Chogye Trichen Rinpoche had envisioned Rinpoche to be his next Shabdrung, hence he was enthroned as Shabdrung Ngawang Richen Paljor.
Since then he remained constantly with Chogye Trichen Dorjechang, his Root Guru, under his guidance. Due to this very close relationship, he received innumerable initiations and transmissions from him, as well as oral instructions and transmissions of many other Buddhist precious teachings.
In 1996 he received the full bikshu ordination from his Guru and H.E. Ludhing Khenchen Rinpoche who were accompanied by some other senior bikshus, Khenpos and Rinpoches, in Lumbini, on the auspicious Anniversary of Sakya Pandita.
Classical education & transmissions
Rinpoche studied the Classical Major Buddhist Texts at Sakya Institute & Sakya College, under the tutelage of Khenchen Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche and late Khenchen Migmar Tsering Rinpoche, from where he graduated obtaining the degree of Kachupa (Bachelor of Arts).
He received major teachings and transmissions from H.H. Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, H.E. Kyabgon Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche and H.H. Jigdral Dagchen Rinpoche such as Lamdre, the Collection of Sadhanas and the Collection of tantras.
He succesfuly completed several Major retreats in Lumbini, in Mustang and at Jamchen Lhakhang monastery such as Shri Hevajra, Vajrayogini, Mahavairochana and many more under the direct guidance of his precious Root Guru.
as the 27th Chogye Trichen
a Tsarpa Throne Holder—2019
On January 11th of 2019, in Kathmandu, Rinpoche was enthroned as a Tsarpa Throne Holder, becoming then H.E. the 27th Chogye Trichen Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche.
The lineage of Chogye Trichens began with Khyenrab Choje, the 8th abbot of Nalendra Monastery in Tibet, and has been held usually for members of the Kushang family. “Chogye” actually means eighteen, and refers to eighteen precious tributes as a praise for spiritual qualities. Only highly qualified masters have held this honorific title.
At the time of Rinpoche’s enthronement, H.H. Gongma Trichen Dorjechang, at the sincere request of the congregation of Jamchen Lhakhang, composed a meaningful & beautiful Long Life Prayer for him, where we see praised his extensive qualities as a lama who has mastered the teachings of both Sutra and Tantra, and who sustains an unbroken pure lineage of practice & realization.
You can download it here or in the menu.
Rinpoche-la in his daily life
The 27th Chogye Trichen Rinchen Paljor is an undoubtly experienced and highly realised Tantric Master. But, beyond that, I would dare to say that what we all his disciples value most about him probably is his closeness, nobility and humility.
If someone has the great opportunity to spend some time with him, one will feel deeply touched by his humbleness and simplicity as a monastic. He really embodies the nature of compassion & wisdom and sincerly cares for his monks, nuns & students around the world. One can feel the qualities of a Boddhisattva in him. We are extremely fortunate to still have beings like himself —like other qualified lamas of our time—to help us and guide us on our path to rediscover our pure innate nature, to be the light that acompanies us back home!
Rinpoche continues to work tirelessly with determination and great enthusiasm to further develop the vision of his precious Root Guru, so that the Dharma will grow, flourish and be firmly established in our world through his sacred enlightened activities.
More beautiful pictures here
(click on the photo)